Minty hiding from the local nuthatches. They'll never spot him in there! |
Tommy cooling down and looking a little cross in his cardboard home. |
It's a big day today, as Tommy and Minty reach the grand old age of 10! Of course, in human years, they would be 52 and wearing beige cardigans as they sit upright in their head-of-the-family velveteen armchairs, smoking their pipes whilst reading the Sunday papers (or whatever it is that 52-year-olds do these days).
Instead of reading the papers, they're asleep upstairs right now, as is the way with cats. Later on, they will have a tasty treat or two and lots of special strokes. They may partake of their favourite hobbies - Tommy rompling on the pom-pole (purring and fussing on a brick column at the front of the house that used to have a gate attached); Minty climbing on my shoulders and having a ride around the garden. Or maybe they'll just lounge around in cardboard boxes?
It's a special day.
Happy Birthday Cats!