Monday, 9 August 2010

Pop Quiz Number Three: The Wedding Present

Hooray! It's The Return Of Pop Quiz!

This time it's the turn of The Wedding Present.

In the player below, there are ten introductions to Weddoes songs, each of which are between 15 and 30 seconds in length. There are gaps of approximately five seconds in between each intro, when you can Pause the player.

Some songs are well-known; others are more obscure. A score of ten out of ten would be IMMENSE! However, to be a Gedgey SUPERFAN, you need to score at least SIX!

Good luck!

Monday, 2 August 2010

The Laughing Cow goes to Denmark

Interesting and unlikely football news from Denmark today, as the national team boss begins the overhaul of his aging national squad after their disappointing World Cup campaign.

The likes of Dennis Rommedahl and John Dahl Tomasson are being replaced by The Laughing Cow of AFC Cream Cheese.

A spokesman re-veal-ed today that she had no beef with the udder stars: "The new player will have the opposition cow-ering with fear. She really is the cream of the crop. She proved recently that she can play on a Friesian cold night in Mos-cow. So long as she takes the bull by the horns and tries not to milk the fans' applause too much, she should start the team moo-ving in the right direction very quickly". She will be awarded the number 9 Jersey for the national team as soon as she recovers from her calf injury.

The Laughing Cow's favourite band is Cud.